How I'm Generating $33k Per Month 100% Passive With Trading Sofware

Why Automated Trading?

📈 Trade with software utilizes a pivot trading strategy available only through our proprietary software and intellectual property.

🔐 It allows you to stay in control of your capital, meaning your money stays in your account, while trading on a regulated brokerage (TradeStation).

Our pivot trading strategy has significantly outperformed the markets since it’s inception in 2021.

Our software makes trading 100% automated and passive. Your only responsibility is to decide when to turn it on and off.


Our software trades futures contracts which have several benefits:

  • Leverage: Futures contracts are traded on margin, lowering the threshold of needed capital to trade every day. This also has the potential for greater profits in relations to minimum needed capital.

  • Potential Tax Benefits: Futures contracts are taxed differently through what’s known as the 60/40 rule, where a certain amount of profits may be taxed at long term capital gain rates. The max tax on futures is 26.8% compared to equities where you could be taxed up to 37%.

All you have to do is:

1️⃣ License our IP (software).

2️⃣ Create your TradeStation account and download the software directly.

3️⃣ Start making profits 100% automated.

Your Benefits:

  • Eliminate Costly Mistakes caused by human error and emotion. 🚨

  • Profit when the market goes up AND when the market goes down. 💰

  • Speed! Our automated trading strategy instantly calculates hundreds of variables when making trading decisions and executes immediately. 🤖

  • Risk and Money Management parameters built in to maximize profit and minimize loss. 💸

  • Tax Deduction and Lower Tax Rate. You can deduct 80% of the license fee in year one using IRS tax code section 179, and you're only max taxed at 26.8% vs 37% with regular trading. 🏦

Pricing Structure

Learn more about our pricing structure, recommended trading capital and average monthly trading profits

The amounts above are based on 10% margin.

Weekly Performance Per License

See how our trading software has performed so you know exactly what kind of results you can expect.

If you cannot see the image clearly click here.

All results are hypothetical. Historical results are not indicative of future performance.

Trade With Software Case Study

To watch the full case study, click on the Playlist icon (top right corner of the video below).


Do I have to be located in the US?

 No. TradeStation is available in 35 countries.

 Is there a profit split?

No, you keep 100% of your profits. We have zero access to your brokerage account. We simply sell you a software license, you download it and use it as you please.

How often can I cash out my profits?

Daily. Our software day trades. When the market closes you end in cash. You can cash out immediately to your bank account whenever you want.

How do I calculate my taxes owed from trading?

TradeStation allows you to access every trade ever made with a click of a button. You can download your P/L and send it directly to your accountant. Since our software trades futures and not equities your max tax is 26.8%. We are not tax professionals and you should always consult your CPA / tax professional.

Disclaimer: There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading. Past results are not indicative of future returns. TWS and all individuals affiliated with it assume no responsibilities for your trading and investment results. The indicators, columns, articles and all other features associated with TWS are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Your use of all indicators, strategies, columns, articles and all other features is entirely at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information. Please note, we are not and do not claim to be financial advisors and recommend consulting a professional advisor before trading your own money. Finally, we are not tax professionals, you should consult your own tax professional or CPA.